We all have an internal compass which tells us what is the correct path call it GUT FEELING I call it true north.
We all make choices in our lives some good, unfortunatly some bad, our gut feeling equips us with an internal compass there to guide us on our true path.
Our biggest asset in life is LOVE and what an asset it is.
LOVE is the emotion which thrives on heading us true north on our journey home
The next time you get a gut feeling go with it maybe it is spending more time with the people you love and most important telling them your feelings.
An old friend of mine had a saying GO HOME AND KISS YOUR WIFE BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES.
When you read this give the person you love a hug and a kiss and tell them how you feel about them. There may come a time when they will be gone and then it will be too late.
Pass this on to someone you care about and let them find TRUE NORTH
By Willie Carey Motivation For Life
Reviewed by motivationforlife
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