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I love the QUOTE by GANDHI "Be the change you want to see in the WORLD" and this is why in order to make any change in your life you have to get your head in gear first. Your mind is your gateway to your soul and it controls EVERYTHING. It controls your breathing, body temperature, heart beat, every body movement you make, your sleep patterns, the functioning of all your organs to name but a few so I guess it is a rather important part of your make up. Not alone that but it controls a lot more and has one of the most unutilised resources on the planet at its disposal your SUBCONCIOUS MIND.

If you want to change anything in your life you need to programme your mind first as if you dont then your inner self is going to sabotage any changes to your outer self. When we are born into this world we come in naked and alone and most of us have the good fortune to have loving parents who will dote on us and give us the love and nourishment we need to grow and develop others are not so lucky and end up in orphanages and foster homes.

When we come into this world we come in free from negativity as we have not yet been conditioned with the ways of the world. When we go throught our early years we get reprimanded more than we get praised and we are told at an early age that we cannot do this or that so negative forces enter our world at a very early stage. As we go through our teenage years we get bombarded with negativity and the education system is awash with these damaging negativeaffirmations that pour down on us like a rain storm.

We must change all this and not allow negative thoughts to infest the garden of our mind. You have to picture your mind as a sacred garden full of beautiful flowers, shrubs and water features and have a clear image of this in your mind. I regard any negtive thoughts as weeds and if they are allowed to take root they can overgrow a beautiful garden and destroy its beauty over time. The challenge for us first is to condition our mind and not allow negative stinknig thinking to infect this sacred place.

SO before you start out on your journey of transformation you must BEGIN with your inner self and get this right first as your inner self will be a mirror image of your external self.

More to come see you soon

Willie Carey

GETTING YOUR HEAD IN GEAR Reviewed by motivationforlife on 22:45 Rating: 5

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