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Inspired people take the road that leads to clear purpose because they are not the type of people to wander around aimlessly in life. They need purpose they need to know where they are going.
Their purpose comes to them in a dream, an idea, something pops out to them and they act on it. They believe that knowledge will lead them to personal growth and enlightenment.
For those that are lost in the world the best thing you can do to discover you life's purpose is through self-exploration of the self. Tapping into your self is the first step to true self-discovery and happiness.

Find Your Self
Successful people focus most of their time exploring their feelings and less time on their thoughts. They are driven by their emotions especially those that will bring them good and growth.
Emotionally they question themselves their existence. How will they feel if they reach a certain goal, idea, purpose or act on a certain hunch. Some even go through vast lengths and question themselves their reason for living and listen to what emotion it evokes in them. If their emotion is not align with their true purpose they change it. They know the answer does not lie outside.
Once they have found what emotionally moves them they act on it because it is the right thing for them. It makes them happy.

They spend finding ways how they can intensify or increase the feeling their goal brings them. They are emotional creatures driven my emotional drives. It is not the material possession or the prestige the goal it brings, but the emotional state it provides them. That is true self-discovery.
What moves you and can you maintain it and create it over and over again?
Those who are true masters of self growth and happiness are able to reproduce their happiness over and over again. They have master their life's plan. This becomes second nature to them.
There is no need for them to be cautious anymore in life. When you have found your life's purpose in life you do it with ease. You listen to what makes you happy and follow it. This is what they do.
They have created a blue-print that takes them to that emotional state at will. They have discovered what makes them happy, joyful, etc.
Successful people are more after the experience within. They do not tend to control what is in the outside, or focus on the unnecessary but focus on the experience emotionally it will reward.
They pursue their goals and ideas because of the emotional content it gives.
As they make contact with what they want emotionally out of life they start to get answers to their most puzzling questions: purpose, goals, dreams, hopes, meaning etc. They act on the ones that are more emotionally charged.
What goals charge you?
You will only find these within your soul. Listen to it what feelings do certain goals, ideas, or thoughts it provokes. Sometimes the most emotionally charge emotion is the one.
As they get closer to precise feeling they were looking for they take action. This gives them reason why they are put in this world. They get a sense of assurance. They know why they are here.

Higher Self
To get to this higher feeling of purpose they figure out who they are.
They start by becoming true to themselves and stop living a lie. They end and destroy their old self and let their true self emerge from the shadows. This true self is free to feel.
This the new self they follow and listen to. They listen to what it wants, what it needs and they accomplish it.. All their life's problems solved.
They have reached this point in their lives by not holding back from themselves. They chosen to live who they truly are.
Experience The World
Finding your life's purpose lies within you. Experience more of life and more of yourself and you'll get closer to who you are.
See all around you. The messages are everywhere. Take a closer look at successful people and ask yourself if you are living your true self?
They definitely are because they became their true self.
You can do this too. Start trying out different things to discover who you are. Figure yourself out.
As you witness the difference between them and you, they don't hold back on experiences. They do not hold back on getting out of the box. They do not hold back on exploring themselves intimately, emotionally and spiritually. Be like them.
They are willing to move forward and try anything. They have a YES attitude for things. They are not reserved people. They are constantly exploring themselves emotionally.
So stop being shy. Experience the world within yourself. Listen to your emotions and feelings and learn to follow them. This will lead you to a closer self of who you are: growth and happiness. This will give you meaning.
That self when it emerges is your true joyful infinite inspirational self: find him.

Article Source:Ricardo Ortiz
LOOK WITHIN YOU Reviewed by motivationforlife on 12:49 Rating: 5

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