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Message From the Universe

  "Wouldn't you just know it?!

You go to earth for a little adventure, some fun and games, some learning and growing, and the next thing you know, you're trapped in a sea of illusions, trying to figure everything out with a little human brain, sweating the details, and desperately seeking approval and appreciation.

Sounds like reality TV, except you can't vote anyone off.

Here's what you do: You just remember how things really work.

You remember that the thoughts you choose to focus on, from this day forward, will become the things, events, and people of the rest of your life... no matter where you've been, no matter what anyone else says, and no matter how scary things may seem to be.



The Universe"


All your thoughts will eventually become things with appropriate action. When you choose to become someone special in your own way, you need to think of the characteristics traits you strive to get and start making the changes needed to reach that goal. You are in control of your own destiny and everything you do amounts to the actions you take to make things happen in your life. Some things may be scary and you will face challenges and many obstacles but you will be the one deciding the outcomes. You decide your path and no matter what happens, as long as you are ready to assume responsibilities for your actions, you will grow as a better person throughout your journey in life. Never point fingers to him or her or anybody else because of what happened to you or because of not reaching your goals. Cowards do that and that is not you. Work on yourself and be persistent. When you start something, do not quit. Go all the way until the end and go above that as well. There is never an end to anything, as life is a cycle, just like our spiral galaxies navigating through our vast universe. You are the gravitational force in the middle of your own galaxy and you dictate the speed and angle of turn. You have that control so you make the decisions.

It can be scary, I know that but if you prepare yourself the right way, fear shouldn't be a part of the equation. When you get yourself ready by studying a math test, and you learn thoroughly the material given in class, there is no reason why you should fear failing? You look forward to it because you know you are very well prepared and ready to tackle whatever math problems the teacher presents to you in the exam. Everything else in your life should be approached the same way. When you are confronted with a problem, take time to sit down and analyze the issues, do not rush, study what is in front of you and once you selected the best solution, you need to take action and move forward with it. If the outcome is negative, do not despair. You may need to tweaks here and there to do damage control. Sometimes the first solution is not always the best one. No one can really predict the best outcome based on the solution taken. As long as you take responsibility for your actions, you are taking a step forward to becoming a better person.

 Source: Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS Reviewed by motivationforlife on 16:39 Rating: 5

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